Highgate cemetery

Jeudi 26 mai 2022 de 10h20 à 11h20 sur inscription

Highgate (1839) est l’un des sept cimetières du 19ème siècle appelés "Magnificent Seven". Visite guidée en anglais du West Cemetery, avec son atmosphère si particulière de cimetière victorien suivie de la visite libre du East Cemetery qui abrite des "résidents" cél&egra
With its sinuous paths winding up a steep wooded hill and ivy-clad monuments, here is a secluded funerary landscape at its most evocative.

The West Cemetery is home to the most impressive architectural features of Highgate Cemetery : the Chapel, Colonnade, Egyptian Avenue, Circle of Lebanon, Terrace Catacombs and the mausoleum of Julius Beer.

After the guided tour of the West Cemetery, we will have the opportunity to freely visit the East Cemetery, home of illustrious figures of the 19th century as well as eminent people of our own time.